More Insest
On a pervious post Anonymous said...
"the old testament was only a history of the Hebrew people, and not of anyone else."
This is a good point and raises the question of if the flood was a flood of the whole earth or just the area local to the Hebrew people. The Bible seems to indicate that it was the whole earth because it says "Every living thing on the face of the Earth was wiped out" (Gen 7:23) also if it was just the local area then the birds that Noah sent out would have found land.
There are sevral other accounts of insest happening and God not punishing any one: Lot's daughters both have sex with their dad but there is no account of them being punished(Gen 19 -30). Abraham's Son (Isaac) marrys his cousen as does his son (Jacob) (Gen 24:67 & Gen 29) yet no one is punished.
"the old testament was only a history of the Hebrew people, and not of anyone else."
This is a good point and raises the question of if the flood was a flood of the whole earth or just the area local to the Hebrew people. The Bible seems to indicate that it was the whole earth because it says "Every living thing on the face of the Earth was wiped out" (Gen 7:23) also if it was just the local area then the birds that Noah sent out would have found land.
There are sevral other accounts of insest happening and God not punishing any one: Lot's daughters both have sex with their dad but there is no account of them being punished(Gen 19 -30). Abraham's Son (Isaac) marrys his cousen as does his son (Jacob) (Gen 24:67 & Gen 29) yet no one is punished.