Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Proof of the non existence of God

Before we can prove that God does not exist we have to define what God actually is, so we will define God as omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipotent (all-powerful). So to be God you must have both the attributes of being omniscient and omnipotent, so to prove the non-existence of God we must prove that God is either not all-knowing or not all-powerful.

We will first assume that God exists and try to prove that God is not all knowing. So if God knows everything then this includes knowing all that has happened in the past and all that will happen in the future and this means knowing what our actions will be before we actually do them. This means however that we cannot have free will over our actions because if God knows what we will do before we actually do it, then it will happen anyway and means we do not have any choice in the matter. This doesn't prove that God is not all-knowing but means that either our sense of having freewill is an illusion or God does not know everything and therefore is not God.

We will assume for now that everything that exists is contained within the universe, including God. This means that everything must follow the laws of the universe, including God. But if God is subject the laws of the universe it means that God can not be all-powerful because God's power will be limited by the laws of the universe. Now you could say that God is not part of the universe, so let's assume that there are things which exist out side of the universe, there are now two possibilities. 1: that these things and the universe are contained in something else which is bigger, or contained in something else which is limitless, but are still subject to some sort of laws. If this is the case then God's power will still be limited by the laws that govern these other places and so cannot exist. The 2nd case is if these things outside of the universe follow no laws, this means there will be no laws to limit Gods power, it also means however that if there are no laws outside of the universe then everything outside of the universe is random because without any rules an entity cannot interact with another entity or with itself (so anything can happen when these things interact with each other or themselves). For example let's say that God wants to create a planet outside of the universe but because there are no laws anything might happen, God could instead make a giant bowl of cold custard with tins of baked beans inside with out meaning to, or just by thinking God could cease to exist. So in the 2nd case God's power is not limited by physical laws but is instead powerless.

So if there exists laws then Gods power must be limited and subject to these laws and if there are no laws then God is powerless, either way God is not all powerful which means that it is impossible for God to exist, instead only a very powerful life-form can exist.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Introducing the blog

I have been meaning to do something like this for some time now, it is my attempt to ask some philosophical questions and to try and get some answers, it is not intend to offend anyone, although some people will consider it to be blasphemous (i.e. questioning the existence of God), would they still consider it to be blasphemous if, as a result of my asking these questions I came to the conclusion that God does exist.

I do not follow a religion or set of beliefs blindly just because that is what I have been brought up to follow, as it does not show any critical thinking. Therefore in order to consider a set of beliefs I must first examine and be critical of them.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Introducing myself

This is my first post for this blog, so let me tell you a little about myself first.
I consider myself to have had a fairly religious childhood, I was brought up as a Protestant who attended a Catholic primary school and my family went to church every Sunday.

In my last two years of Secondary school I began to question my beliefs both in Christianity and in God, so I decided to look more closely at it's teachings and history. The more I looked the more I became disillusioned, as I read the Bible I found there to be numerous contradictions and inaccuracies. The history was even worse, to name but a few of my problems with it are: using force to spread the religion (the crusades)(what happened to 'But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you'. - Matthew 5:44 (NIV)), burning innocent people for having different beliefs (the witch hunts) (what about to 'Love your neighbor as yourself. - Mark 12:31 (NIV)), and trying to stunt the progress and advancement of science (Galileo)(as a scientist I'm a bit upset by this).

At collage one of the subjects I took was Religious studies, this is where I became interested in the teachings of Buddhism. I have also recently become interested in Islam.