Monday, August 29, 2005

The purpose of a God is pointless

Most people at some stage in their life ask questions such as what is the meaning of life? And what is my purpose in life? Well here's an even more interesting question, supposing for the moment that God exists and that God is an all powerful, all knowing, perfect entity. My question is: what is God's purpose in life? I know that this is a question that will probably never be answered but after thinking about it for some time it struck me that the existence of an all powerful, all knowing, perfect entity is pointless.

What is a god supposed to do with it's existence? Unlike humans God's existence is not about learning and gaining more knowledge because God already knows everything. Unlike other animals God's existence is not about survival because God is all-powerful so there can be nothing as powerful that can threaten God's survival. Unlike most species God can not evolve and adapt over time because God is already perfect. We can not claim that God exists just to protect and guide us humans because God existed long before we humans did. More specifically God (supposedly) has always existed, which is a long time to exist and personally if I were God I might get slightly bored and lonely during that time.

This is one possible answer to the question:

God could go round creating things such as galaxies and planets to pass the time but even that could wear a bit thin after a time. So God then makes humans and because God's existence is apparently pointless because of his limitless power God decides to give up some of his power i.e. Giving freewill to humans in order make his own life more meaningful. God then offers humans eternal life so they can keep him company and he will never get bored again. This would mean of course that God depends on us more than we depend on God because if God suddenly did not exist then us humans would carry on as if nothing had happened (i.e. People would still go round worshipping the non-existent God), but if humans suddenly stopped existing then God would be left all alone once again.

Another plausible story is that God became so bored and lonely with his eternal existence with nothing much to do that he killed himself.

These are just two possible answers both probably incorrect (maybe there is no correct answer), the question however is still an interesting one. Also if as some people claim God is out-side of time then God probably will not experience boredom, this doesn't however mean there is any more point to his existence.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David,I wouldn't spend so much time reading the Old Testament.The New Testament is the new covenant God made with Israel.You can spend an entire lifetime debating the existence or non existence of God,but Christ,whose spirit is all around us waits with a hungry longing to be called upon.But He is more likely to come into your life if you invite him.Keep it simple,try to avoid worshiping a creed,because to the child hearts of the Kingdom,it would be a fore-ign language.LOVE is all you need,love Gillam

11:38 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey u need to knwo that what u are touching apun is crazy. its intresting but if u do not have the secret codes to understan esoteric wrightin then its pointless.
first of all you are god, in other words god folded over to become M.A.N. evrey time u learn somthing u are teaching the creator. when u look in the mirror u are looking at the student. the reflection is the teacher. u teach god. in order for there to be a god u need to realize that u are god. the G.O.D
genorator. operator. destroyer.

9:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the concept of god was invented by early man...most educated intelligent beings know that god is imaginary just like santa claus...but a lifetime of brainwashing is hard to undo...ever try to argue the nonexistance of god with a preacher? his whole life would be a sham. people don't really believe in god...they hope in god...big difference. they use the term believe without really thinking what it means. who made who? WE MADE GOD BUT WE ARE NOT GOD.

6:45 am  

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